What's it like to intern with PostCo?

We interviewed three of our past interns - hear from them yourself.

No two internships are the same; some are given the daily task of constantly attending to a photocopier or a coffee machine, while others may have had their career or industry path shaped by their internship. Because these experiences are so varied, it’s generally a good idea to prepare for an internship by speaking to those who have gone before!

At PostCo, we believe that we offer a truly unique internship experience. Among other things, interns are given the opportunity to contribute to critical decisions while receiving the support and trust to execute them well.

But why take our word for it? We interviewed three of our past interns, so you can hear directly from them.

Speaking about the overall internship experience, Michael, who was a Business Development intern, shared, “I loved it! In PostCo, they really valued interns. As an intern, they would give you the freedom to do your job so you can try something new and just experiment.”

Michael Ngo (third from right) is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Commerce(Business Statistics) in Monash University Malaysia.

“Everyone in PostCo felt like my second family. In those 4 months, I knew and became friends with the WHOLE company including my supervisors. I gained friends and valuable skills that I won't get anywhere else.”

Alicia, who also worked in Business Development, shared, “It was an amazing experience, where everyone’s focussed on shared goals. It was so fun to celebrate each milestone, and crucial to paint a clear shared vision. I also felt that strengthening relationships at work helped increase collaboration directly and ultimately the collective productivity.”

Alicia (middle) is currently leading Qfinity, a China-ASEAN focussed cross-border accelerator. She previously pursued a Masters of Science in Tsinghua University.

Working at an early-stage startup comes with its own flavour of challenges and rewards. Xing Wei, who worked in Partnership & Operations, spoke of how she was able to try new things and was entrusted with large responsibilities. After her first week of work, she was entrusted with revamping the entire PostCo 360 website.

That’s a heavy responsibility - but how did Xing Wei feel about it? “The fast-paced nature of the startup meant everyone was working very hard, but that didn’t mean there wasn’t room for play! Among my best memories of my time at PostCo have to be our morning zoom workouts, potlucks, and games nights.”

Xing Wei is currently pursuing a Business Analytics degree at the National University of Singapore. She previously co-founded MEKO Malaysia, a company specialising in eco-friendly products.

Providing our interns with a clear sense of ownership is crucial, but a lack of appropriate guidance or support from the start can be intimidating. On the topic of starting their internships, Alicia shared: “I felt welcomed [on my first day]! I still remember how friendly and receptive the ambience was with all smiles and claps. I thought the onboarding process was structured and helpful as well. I got to ask as many questions as I needed to understand the business thoroughly.”

Xing Wei, on the other hand, shared how she felt on day one. “I was excited and a tad nervous, but I soon realised there wasn’t a need to be. I remember the first person to speak to me was Nicolas who really made me feel at ease and stoked to contribute! On the first day alone I was already sold on the culture and work environment.”

A casual dinner outing.

On culture, we understand that there is typically a gap between intention and execution. Thankfully, each one of our past interns have something to say about our culture and leadership.

Michael comments on the significance of his presence and contribution: “They valued your ideas and listened to what you had to say. With freedom comes your own responsibility - even though it might not sound fun, but it's proof that your existence actually matters for the company and that the company relies on you for its success.”

To Alicia, servanthood leadership was the quality that stood out. “The leaders at PostCo lead by example, and are such genuine and generous people. When we are wandering into uncharted territories, the team will experiment together.”

Xing Wei described the leadership at PostCo as ‘inspiring and uplifting’; “I could always count on them for help any time I required it. I witnessed their servant leadership and grit, both great emphasis of PostCo’s culture. We were always given trust and freedom over our tasks.”

Finally, we asked each one of them to share their one big takeaway from their internships. Michael cautioned school leavers to carefully choose where to intern. “You can intern at a big famous company, learning nothing and just be a nobody for the whole 3-4 months or you can just intern at a tight-knit startup company with big goals where you can gain new skills, your work actually matters and everyone acknowledges you.”

Xing Wei’s big takeaway was on growth. “Experiential learning is the most valuable and effective form of learning, so try your hand at everything if you’re given the opportunity!”

Alicia, who had worked at startups in the past, shared her takeaway, “At PostCo I witnessed how important ‘traditions’ and ‘goal setting’ is in a company. It also showed it is 100% possible to have fun while performing.”

If this sounds like the kind of environment that you would thrive in, do consider applying for one of our open positions!

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Associate, Strategy & Operations - International Markets